Please fill in the details on this page to apply for a trade stand at NSA Sheep NI 2025. Please note if you are a breed society please select the correct option above. All prices are before VAT.
Please fill in the details on this page to apply for a breed society stand at NSA Sheep NI 2025. Please note if you are a trade exhibitor please select the correct option above. All prices are before VAT.
A limited number of stands are available for individual breeders who are fully paid up members of the NSA to exhibit their own sheep at the event. Please contact Ellen Moorehead for more information
The name and address entered here will be the one used in the listing
Please state here if you wish to book any entry tickets.
Electricity is available for Indoor Stands. Please note no generators are allowed on site.
Please state if you would like to hire any tables or chairs.
Deadline: 1st March 2025 for guaranteed inclusion in the event guide. Late bookings will be accepted if space allows.
By submitting this application an invoice will be generated and emailed to the address you have supplied for full payment.
Please note no tickets will be sent unless payment has been made in full.
Note to all applicants for stand space from Southern Ireland
HMRC Rules State that all goods and services purchased in NI and not physically exported out of NI to Southern Ireland are liable to pay NI Vat @ 20% (This leaves National Sheep Association with no choice other than to collect Vat on HMRC's behalf)
GDPR: The details you have provided will be used to contact you with regards to your stand and/or sponsorship at the event. Your details will also be displayed on the event website and printed event brochure. Your details will not be shared with third parties outside of the event organisers. Your details will be held for up to two years so that you can be contacted about future events and opportunities.